Terms of Use

To access the "Members" area, you must agree to the Terms of Use.

This website was created with the understanding that the information will not be used for any commercial or philanthropic purpose not directly connected with Yale University or the Yale College Class of 1982; no copies will be made; nor will the information be given, lent, or sold to any other individual or organization.

Appropriate uses include social interaction, conducting Class business, identifying speakers and seeking career advice. Inappropriate uses include (but are not limited to) marketing products or services and soliciting donations. When using this service, you agree not to use the information for business solicitation purposes.

The Class of 1982 and its website developers shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential losses or damages arising from the use or misuse of the site or form the content of any message sent by or to users. If you are concerned about a possible misuse of the site, please email feedback@yale82.org. The Website Committee will respond to complaints by taking appropriate action.