
Posted Fri, Nov 5, 2004

Go Red Sox!

By Edward Sevilla

Yankees what?

What great news about the World Series.


Posted Sat, Nov 6, 2004

It was one of the best days of our lives to watch the Bosox finally win the Series! The rolling rally afterwards was fantastic!

- Toby (Blumenthal) Richard

Posted Fri, Nov 12, 2004

I was so excited about the potential for a World Series win that I took my son Jeremy to Game 4. What a great day! We met most of the players at their hotel before the game and stayed in the stadium for the chanting and cheering for several hours afterwards. I can still remember Bucky Dent's homerum that happened early in our Freshman year and this was just sweet revenge. I'll have to post some pictures later.

- Lorain (Murphy) Ross

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